Undeniably, the best part of the day is when you get home from a long day at work, attempt to have dinner ready by a certain time, and as much housework as you can manage completed so you can sit down, put your feet up and relax. And then, you remember about how you promised yourself this morning that you would work out after work today, but you're just so tired and sore from being on your feet all day that you think "you'll do it tomorrow." Sound familiar?
Well, most people will agree. Exercise just doesn't rank high up there on the importance scale. Why not? You only get one body, one chance at living, why would you not make the absolute best of it? Lack of exercise and obesity is what is putting our country in the "hole" of growing diseases and high mortality rates. People are just not aware of the significant damage that they are doing to their bodies.
Oster Blender
Although it can be hard to find the motivation to just begin exercising, try smaller steps to make you feel good about doing it. Try a walk after dinner to stimulate blood circulation and help to digest your dinner, while re-energizing and giving yourself plenty of energy. Have you ever noticed that if you don't move after dinner, you will begin to feel sluggish and tired? That's because all your blood is pumping to your stomach to help your food digest, but moving around will help do the same task.
Try to focus on how great you will feel after you work out. Yes, I am considering a walk a work out. Why not? You are getting your body moving and that is what is most important. After you start enjoying the feeling, it will be easy to keep pushing yourself.
Try changing into your workout clothes at the first opportunity you get so that you are always ready to get started. Just going through the motions of this can help you get into the mindset of wanting to workout. For the days when you would rather not workout, try this tip. If you are dreading your workout, promise yourself you will do ten minutes. If you still feel, after then ten minutes, that you do not want to work out, stop. But chances are that once you begin and endorphins are being released making you feel great, you won't want to stop.
Special Price!!! Oster 4937 Mini Jar Accessory
Oct 20, 2011 00:48:41
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Oster 4937 Mini Jar Accessory Feature
- Oster 4937 Mini Jar Accessory
Oster 4937 Mini Jar Accessory Overview
Do you grind your coffee beans or baby food in your blender, but hate to because you don't want to clean up the whole jar just for a little amount? Oster has the accessory for you. Just put your ingredients in the 8 oz mini jar, place the blade assembly and blend your ingredients right top of the blender. If you still have an excess amount in the jar, a lid is included for storing.SAVE NOW on the special offers below!
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